Monday, April 9, 2012

Why I Got My Tattoo

 Article by William Sullivan

So as many of my friends and family now know (if not then SURPRISE MOM AND DAD!) I have invested in my first round of ink. When I was younger I never thought I would get a tattoo. I never thought there could be a symbol, image, or text that I would want permanently on my body; I truly believe that tattoo should carry a deep, personal meaning and not be a decision made lightly.

With that preface out of the way let me explain myself. Last year was a big year for me. It was senior year of high school, I graduated, got accepted to college, got my driver’s license, and voted. All of these are very important milestones within the journey of life. However, if I were prompted to choose a single event had the biggest impact on me, I would without a second of hesitation say it was the protests in Wisconsin.

These protest radicalized me. I have always been passively obsessed with politics, but just like most of the American people I had not taken my government and my democracy into my own hands. I would sit and rant and rave about politics for hours, knowing my stances, and attempting to change the views of my peers, but never fighting for my beliefs.

When we occupied the capital, screamed and shouted, and refused to accept the government we were being given, a light went off in my head. The revelation was personal, but the message was a universal reminder to all Americans: “We live in a democracy and you get the government you deserve.”

Governments can’t be change by voting for a candidate that promises “hope” and “change.” Congress doesn’t listen at the ballot box and the only way we can truly achieve a government we want is to rally, organize, and get people in the streets.

Wisconsin woke me up. It made me realize that I get the country I deserve. A liberal bitch fest to my friends and family does not change the state-of-affairs and after these protests I knew from there on out I was going to fight for what I believed in.

This blue fist is a reminder. It is a permanent reminder that people fought back. It is a permanent reminder that there are still working class people willing to fight for a fair living wage and willing to fight for basic human rights and decencies. Even as the Corporate Plutocrats attempt to strike their final blow to our democratic system there are millions of people fighting back.

As long as this fist carries weight,  as long as the working class struggles, as long as there are people without a living wage, access to food, shelter, education, and healthcare, and minority groups’ rights are marginalized I will be there along the people fighting the fight.  

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